Using Padlet in PD
Source: SmartBrief on Education in partnership with GreyED
Padlet, a free web-based tool that functions like an digital bulletin board, is a great tool to use in professional-development sessions. It’s simple to use. Start with a blank page ā a padlet ā and double click on it to post content. It’s that easy.
Use Padlet to curate resources before, during and after a session. Participants can contribute links to websites, documents, images, video, songs and more. Encourage teachers to add and share relevant resources to Padlet even after the session has concluded.
Padlet is also a great platform for backchannel conversations. Participants can use the canvas to ask and answer questions during the session.
Every person in a professional-development session brings something valuable to the table. Padlet gives them a way to share that voice. Good luck!
Karly Moura is a Teacher On Special Assignment (Instructional Coach & Educational Technology Support Teacher) at Sun Terrace Elementary School in Concord, California. Connect with Karly viaemail or follow her on Twitter at @KarlyMoura.